National Write Your Congressman Inaugural Index Shows Small Business Community’s Dissatisfaction with Government

Published Tuesday, November 8, 2016

NWYC small business members site government regulations and healthcare as top 
issues hurting their businesses 

Dallas – Nov. 1, 2016 – National Write Your Congressman (NWYC), an organization that gives
small  businesses  a  voice in American  government,  announces  the  results  of  its inaugural 
quarterly  index  measuring  small  business  owners  and  operators’  sentiment  towards federal, 
state and local government. Please click on the following link to view the results of the index:  

Index Results

NWYC’s poll represents the opinions of more than 1,100 NWYC members across 47 states in 
the  services,  construction,  retail,  manufacturing  and  agriculture  industries. Findings  from  the 
index include:

?  87  percent of  respondents report  that  Congress  has not  helped accomplish  their 
business objectives over the third quarter. 
?  Small business owners show more than twice the trust in their local government than 
federal government.
?  Federal  action  in healthcare and  government regulations are  perceived  as  the  most 
harmful to small business owners and in fact, business owners felt a lack of action in 
other areas hurt their business.

“Small business is the engine driving the U.S. economy and their voices must be heard. What 
our index shows is that in this divisive election year, small business owners across America are 
dissatisfied  with  the  actions  of  federal  government,”  said  Randy  Ford,  president  of  National 
Write Your Congressman. “Small business owners believe there is much room for improvement, 
and in many respects have felt neglected by Washington.”

The  28  million  small  businesses  across  the  country  make  up  more  than  half  of  the U.S. 
economy (54 percent). Mirroring the groundswell of a grassroots call for change in the U.S. 
during this election season, NWYC’s index reveals small business owners are most concerned 
in improving healthcare, regulation, immigration and tax reform.

According  to  research  from  the  Congressional  Management  Foundation,  effective 
communications  and  interactions  between  citizens  and  elected  officials  are  essential  to  the 
democratic process, both to sustain the credibility of government and to maintain a free flow of 
ideas which can be integrated into policy decisions

“NWYC presents both sides of the issue so that members can form an educated opinion and let 
their opinions be heard,” said Ford.

NWYC  exists  to  provide  members  with  non-partisan  information  and  research  along  with  the 
tools  they  can  use  to  connect  with  their  representatives  in  Washington  and  advocate  for  the 
policies  and  actions  that  will  help  their  small  business  be  successful  for  their  families,  their 
employees and their communities.

Demographic Profile
NWYC’s  inaugural Index  on  the  Sentiments  of  Small  Business  Towards  Congress, 
conducted between October 14 - 24, 2016, is based on data collected from 1,177 respondents 
within NWYC’s membership. Respondents represented individuals from 47 U.S. states. Ninety 
eight  (98%)  percent  of  respondents  identify  as  small  business  owner/operators.  Sixty  one 
percent (61%) of respondents employ between one and nine people and thirty six (36%) percent 
of  respondents  employ  between  10-99  people.  Predominant  industries  represented  included: 
services  (21.1%),  construction  (20.5%),  retail  trade  (14.0%),  manufacturing  (13.5%),  and 
agriculture (10.6%). Sixty six percent (66%) of respondents are ages 45-64.

more info

National Write Your Congressman
2435 N. Central Expressway, Ste. 300
Richardson, Texas 75080
Phone: (214) 342-0299
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